Mar 29 2017
Jayson Dunston
Pretty good AM on 3/29 at Triple J, myself and a guest fished from about 745-12. Caught over 20, Culled 7 under fish and released rest with 2 right at 4lbs. A few early on top water, rest on mixed soft plastic. quite a bit of grass on all banks at least for March, Summer will be rough. Tight Lines!
Posted By: Jayson Dunston
Mar 29 2017
Steve Alexander
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We added grass carp about a month ago. May not help much for this year, but we are in hopes that it will help in 2018. Grass carp are great tools for some lakes, but not all. The key is adding the right amount for lakes that could benefit from them. Not enough waste of time, too much and the lake looses all its vegetation. Not good.