Twin Lakes 3/18/17

Mar 19 2017

Joe V. Smith


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Fished all day with beautiful weather conditions.Started on the timber side of east lake and caught bass on weightless flukes,lizards, and worms. They were bunched up but scattered.Many areas that looked the same did not produce fish. Caught  19 by the time I reached the end and five more working the other side back.Tried for crappie and bream but only three bream. This circle took me from 7:30 to 1 . The bass were generally 2 1/2 lbs.

At 2:30 I started the west lake.The same approach worked with flukes and lizards. The bass were active in the shallow end opposite the dam in very shallow water next to the shore line with 30 % out away from the shore  but still very shallow.The grass was not a problem fishing weightless and late in the evening the bass were really moving the water alone the reeds. Ended the afternoon with 31 bass, one bream and one crappie from the west lake.The bass were generally 1 1/2 lbs with four over 3 lbs.

I never paddled over to the dam area or that half of the lake.

Posted By: Joe V. Smith