Mar 19 2017

Andrew Dear


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This was our first time at the new property in Castroville, WOW, what a beautiful lake! Bill Fetch was right, Google Earth does not do the amount of cover in this lake justice. The pavilion is beautiful…well manicured and in good order. There was actually a crew there trimming trees, and weedeating the area, it looked like a park! We launched our Bass Raider at the end of the dam per the instructions without issue. Third cast along the dam with a Storm Swimbait yielded a 4.5 LMB, 10 min. later my son hooked one on an old school jitterbug that would have easily gone 5lbs, which spit the plug right at the boat, and it just got better from there.  We spent the day catching a total of 35 fish, most of which were between 2-5 pounds, with at least 6 of those over 4lbs. Jackson lost one at the end of the day on a motor oil fluke that hit the bait, ran towards the middle of the lake, made one boil the size of a garbage can lid and broke the line.It was WAY over 5 pounds! I'd like to say there was a pattern but they hit just about anything we threw at them! Storm Wildeye Shad, White Swimjig, Flukes (of all colors), even caught a few on buzzbaits and top-waters, and several on a soft plastic crawfish. The crawfish seemed to produce the smallest fish overall, with the quicker more erratic reaction baits producing the bigger fish. We did fish the deeper timber in the middle, but had no luck there on Rat-L-Traps or Crankbaits at all (nor did these lures produce along the dam). The fish here are VERY aggressive, they hit like a jackhammer, and  fight like baby Tarpon, many times clearing the air by a foot or more. All fish were in 1'-5' water along the ENTIRE perimeter of the shoreline. An interesting note, many of the fish you could see busting bait in the shallows, and we had several that we actually sight cast too and landed. We had wonderful weather cloudy/partly cloudy with very little wind….just an unbelievable day. Landowner came out, and man what a class act. He was very concerned that my son was having a great time, and remarked that everyone from PWF who had been to his place were just great people. We are already planning our next trip to Escondido….by far the best property here in the south we have fished yet!

Posted By: Andrew Dear

Mar 19 2017

William Fetech


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Andy. Great report and pics with your son. 


Mar 19 2017

Steve Alexander


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One of my favorite posts of the year for so many reasons; but may the biggest reason is that your son got to experience a fantastic trip.

Thanks for representing PWF in a great light!!!

Mar 19 2017

William Fetech


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I have to agree with Andy about the aggressive strikes. Each fish I had to play with the drag multiple times before landing it. 


Mar 19 2017

Andrew Dear


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Most of my fishing over the last 20 years has been for Redfish with a flyrod in Texas & Louisiana, and I have been fortunate enough to fish some very remote places where fish still act like fish and aren't real pressured/shy. The Bass at Escondido may well be the most aggressive fish I have ever witnessed. It was like a turf war, and they were enraged and furious that we were even there and had the audacity to challenge them on their own ground. I've had numbers before, and Ive had size before…but never both, and Escondido was the pinnacle. It was easily the best day of fishing for Largemouth Bass I've ever had in my life, even if Jackson did put a wuppin' on me in both quantity and quality…in fact that's what made the trip!

Mar 19 2017

William Fetech


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The student surpasses the teacher. Says great things about the teacher.