Hungry at Kickapoo

Feb 20 2017

Rodney Schroeder


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On the water and first cast on 2/18 by 6:35, first fish on top water within 5 minutes.  Bite was on especially along windy back across from launch area all morning with topwater - Pop-R.  Slowed a little around 9:30 and tied on a small shallow crank bait looking for crappie and all I could catch were bass.  In the shallow flat on wst side of lake caught at least 5 on 5 casts and many back to back. 

Overall a good day with light winds, good water clarity and water temp around 56-57.  Finished the day at 11:30 with 32 harvested from 8-13 inches and released 11 up to 17" for the biggest.  Most released were in the just over 14 to 16 inch range. 

Posted By: Rodney Schroeder