Reality is different than expectations

Feb 20 2017

Robert Lundin


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Fished on Saturday February 18th.  When you go to a town like Ben Wheeler than hosts a Feral Hog Festival and selects a Hog Queen. That when fishing Twin Lakes you might expect to catch a Hog Queen in the spring. Well that didn't happen but here is what did.  We started fishing the east lake first.  We could never really locate the fish or what meal they would enjoy on this beautiful Saturday.  We just kept chunking our prizes at them.  Around lunch time we decided to move over to the west lake.  The final count for the east was 7 Bass on a variety of things, senkos, spinners, ribbits, flukes.  The bass ranged from one pound to 4.5 pounds.

The west started even slower than the east.  We first jumped in the boat to avoid the cow stampede. Which raises a question how many cows can you fit in a 12' Jon boat.  I was not about to find out as we headed to the dam area and struck out. As we moved towards the far end I could see the cows in a circle around our black truck wondering who was this new comer to the herd.  We start to locate some bass on ribbits and flukes.  At the far end we found them in the middle of the lake nothing near the shore.  Water depth was three to four feet and. Maybe three clarity.  We ended with 9 for the afternoon all around three pounds on our new purchase of a digital scale.  This was not a certified scale from the dept. of weights and measures but a Rapala on sale special. So now we have a camera and a scale which now makes our fishing a little more believable.  Here is a photo of the 4.5 pounder that ended up as Hog Queen for the day.

Posted By: Robert Lundin

Feb 20 2017

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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the last time i was at twin lakes, i had a mockingbird attack my truck.  he spent all day fighting with the bird he could see in the reflection of the windows.  ended up with bird excrement all over my bed cover; all over my side mirrors; and all over the side doors of my truck.  couldn't even see out of the side mirrors when i got ready to leave; had to get some paper towels and clean them off.  crazy bird, and i think it was the same one all day.  all i ever saw was one.

Feb 20 2017

Robert Lundin


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At least the cows were friendly.  As we were getting ready to get into the boat one followed us down and I thought it said to Jason moo over.

Feb 20 2017

Jess Mowery


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James that mockingbird got me too. I was parked at the west lake for about 3 hours and every time he attacked the truck he crapped on the door. This was a few days after Christmas. 

Feb 20 2017

Guy Smith


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Same Mockingbird cost me a car wash around the first of February.