Post Oak Pandemonium

Jan 15 2017

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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After warm southerly breezes stoked their metabolism for 4 days, the fish were feeding really actively at Post Oak.  I fished by myself for 4 hours from 1:00-5:00 on Saturday.  Fish were stacked up along the North shore from the bank to 150 feet out from the bank.  I caught a bunch on a KVD jerk bait in sexy shad color.  I planned on fishing several lures but the fish never gave me an opportunity to change lures.  from 4:00-4:15 I caught fish on every cast while some  large bass had pinned some baitfish against the bank.  By the end of the outing I caught 8-10 fish over 4 pounds and many more from 2-4 pounds.  I saw what appeared to be a Bald Eagle as well as several other birds of prey as well.  It was a very good day to be on the water.

Posted By: Bruce Bernard

Jan 15 2017

steve carpenter


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Sounds like a wonderful day. Going out on Thursday

Jan 20 2017

Steve Alexander


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Bruce is a great fisherman. He catches lots and lots of fish. At PWF we love Bruce he really helps with harvesting fish in lakes where we ask you to harvest fish. Bruce, thanks for being a team player!!

While we are not harvesting at Bryan Post Oak, we do ask you do harvest fish when requested at about 50% of our lakes. It really does help , plus when you report your harvest numbers (it takes 30 seconds to do it on-line) you get $5 back. I know few of you do it for the $5, but it is our way of saying Thank you for helping.