Timber Lake is going to be Great

Jan 13 2017

Steve Alexander


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when it opens Feb 1st. I know a bit of a tease as the lake is still closed for another 3 weeks. But, I made a New Years goal to fish on at least 12 of our PWF lakes during 2017. I have the opportunity to electrofish dozens of our club lakes each year, I often don't get to fish them with rod and reel. But, 2 weeks into the new year and I already have one trip in the books.

A friend joined me and we starting throwing red rattle traps and T-Rig Bubble Frys and caught 4 in the first 45 minutes. We then tied on a small swim bait and starting really catching heavy. We were throwing a watermelon glitter Skinny Dipper (By Reaction) with a 5/0 or 6/0 weighted hook. We ended up with 31 fish in 4.5 hours with only one dink. Most fish were 2.75 to 3.25 lbs and 6 weighed over 4 lbs. With the largest at 4.7 lbs.

Before some of you begin to type "I thought Timber Lake is closed through Hunting Season" it is still closed until Feb 1st. I went to visit the owner to see the progress of Deer Trail the sister lake and thought I would fish for a few hours, while I was there. Yes, a big perk to working for PWF.

Posted By: Steve Alexander

Jan 14 2017

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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i bet you were feeling Blessed and Guilty all at the same time.. ha ha

Jan 14 2017

Shayne Wallace


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Timber Lake is my favorite lake in the club so far. 

Jan 17 2017

Bruce Prindle


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Steve, is there any rock or improvement to the launching area on Timber Lake?  Ruts were deep last fall and I wondered if she had put any rock there like she did for Deer Trail before it closed.  How low was the water?

Jan 20 2017

Steve Alexander


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The lake was about 3-4 feet low. But we had no problem launching our boat. No rock has been added to the boat launch area.