Jan 13 2017
Robert Lundin
Arrived at Jer Mar just at noon. Temperature 74 degrees and the wind from the south less than 10 mph. We decided to go directly to the north end of Lower lake (big lake). Before we could get 300 feet we decided to throw a few as the urge was like a skeeter bite that needs to be itched. Bam I nail a nice 4 pounder on a Zoom super fluke in Watermelon. My partner Jason has to throw a Ribbit frog and immediately gets a blow up. We move another 100 feet as the south wind has us in a perfect drift. Another nice 3 pounder on a Zoom fluke. It is now 12:30 and we are feeling a great day of fishing ahead. The weather switch trips the breaker and the wind is now howling from the north at somewhere around 15 to 20 mph. Time to head back to the truck to put on some coats. It was a cold 55 degrees with that north wind. Back in the boat we move up the west side looking for pockets out of the wind. Another blow up on a Ribbit frog. That's it, the crazy in me ties on a green Ribbit frog. No sooner than I move it 5 feet a 3 pounder has swallowed the frog. So in total for the day we got 16 Bass. Two on zoom fluke, one on a red spinner and one a red Shad worm. The rest were on frogs. The bass were concentrated on the west side where a tree trunk sits close to shore. We decide at 5 pm we had enough as we were cold. We stopped on way out to catch one in the Beaver pond, one in the upper lake and one in pond by the gate. The one at the gate was only 10 inches but I threw it back as wasn't sure of the population in the pond. Wanted to make it to sunset but ended up seeing the sunset from the truck in rush hour traffic, what a pain. Met Jerry ( owner) on the way out and thanked him for letting us fish the property. The fish are healthy and fat and should be a glorious spring with good numbers. Oh, duck hunters maybe 30 to 50 ducks on the lower lake.
Jan 13 2017
Chris Casner
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I would have never though to throw a frog at this time of the year - shows you how much I know. Always frog with a frog