Wildlife at Kickapoo

Oct 27 2016

Larry Maupin


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Had a fun day with a friend. We caught about 50 in the afternoon - mostly dinks up to about 14 inches. Lake was two ft low and clear - the prettiest I've ever seen it. Launch are was dry and easy to launch my little bass buddy boat by hand.

This would be a fun place to take a beginner, which I did. He had never caught 25 fish in a day and two pounds was his personal best. Sunset was amazing.

We saw lots of wildlife (in addition to bass and cows LOL): feral hogs, white egrets, a great blue heron, mud hens, turkey vultures, crows and a pair of otters!

Posted By: Larry Maupin

Oct 27 2016

Steve Alexander


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This is where I taught my Nephew to worm fish some 6 years ago. Great place to get bit.