Great Day on the Water

Oct 04 2016

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Fished from 7:30 to 2:30 on Friday, September 30th.  Air temp was 52 when I arrived and warmed up quickly to low 80's with sunny skys.  Water temp on the surface was 72 at start and rose to 77 when I departed. Fly fished with a tiny spinner bait "fly" from 7:30 until 10:30 when my rod broke.  Caught most of the 11 culls with fly rod. Caught additional 9 that we're returned with biggest 3.5lbs on large weightless Senko near the timber in the middle of lake. Lost a handful of Senko's and fish on the heavy brush. Fish have become educated since my last trip. Great property, very scenic, very secluded, easy to get to.  Great day on the water, especially since it was a work day.   

Posted By: Chris Casner