Rock Solid at Rock Chimney

Apr 17 2016

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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Member John Bedore and I had a good afternoon of fishing at Rock Chimney on Saturday 4/16.  The wind was really blowing so it made it difficult to be  precise with our presentations, but that didn't seem to affect the fishing.  We caught 52 in the 5 hours we fished.  Almost all of the fish were really solid bass,with a few dinks thrown in for good measure.  Lots of 3s and 4s and a few 5s was the order of the day.  The fish always seem to put up a fight on this lake.  Twice we nearly had our rods taken out of our hands.

Had a good visit with the landowner, super guy!  He and some of his friends were preparing the place for their annual crawfish boil so we had a chance to visit for a while,  He gave us some good pointers on where to fish and what they were biting on.

Water was 74 degrees and pouring steadily into the drain pipe.  Water color was very good. 

Posted By: Bruce Bernard

Apr 17 2016

William Fetech


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Bruce. What were they hitting on?


Apr 18 2016

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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crankbaits, flukes and topwater lures