Few and far between

Mar 27 2016

Neil Walker


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Fished from our Pond Prowler all day on Saturday, March 26.  Blue bird skies, light wind from East and SE.  75 degrees.  WT varied from 62 in the morning to 70 in late afternoon.  Bites were few and far between with NO fish over 18."  Very surprised. Used top water early and late, plastics and cranks mid-day.  Only landed 6 bass, 2 overs and 4 unders.  Where were they?!?  High pressure was a factor, but should have had a few more.  We saw numerous schools of tiny fry hiding in shallow cover. Assuming these are bass fry and it takes 2-5 days to hatch depending on WT, so they probably spawned right around the full moon last week.  I guess ALL the females are in post-spawn recovery mode???

Beautiful, but challenging tank.  Lots of timber and brush.  Trolling motor took some abuse.  All banks quickly slide off into deep water, even back in creek arms and coves, so not much shallow water (flats) to fish.   Caught a few nice white perch in deep structure, but they weren't jumping in the boat neither.  Even caught 3 big bream pulling deep diving cranks!

I know this tank usually fishes better than that.  Weather and spawn timing were not in our favor, so we'll be back some day to give Hat & Star another shot! 

Posted By: Neil Walker

Mar 27 2016

Greg Almond


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I had similar results at 10-10 home place lake which isn't too far from H&S.  I had to work at it.  But wasn't it great to not have 30 mph wind!!!  I think I was two weeks too late for spawn and two weeks from the stabilized summer pattern.  Everything looked great but timing is everything.