Mar 17 2016
Tom Dillon
I was planning on a full day on West Twin today, but it didn't work out that way. The weather that went through the metroplex hit me with a vengeance. Luckily, I was wearing my Gore Tex, for I have NEVER seen it rain that hard on any lake, anywhere. Then it started hailing (mothball size), with lightning and thunder right over me. By that time, I was in my vehicle, just trying to wait it out. It was about 10 degrees colder there than it was in the city - 54, with a north wind of 25-30 mph. As soon as it stopped raining, I trailered my pond boat (with about 8 inches of water and hailstones in it), loaded my vehicle, and headed home. I had managed to catch only 4 fish all morning - a bass of about 1.5 lbs, another that weighed 3-08, and a crappie - all on a sexy shad Rattletrap. No luck at all of buzz bait, popper, single-spin, worm, creature bait, lizard, or jerk bait. I did miss setting the hook on 4 bass on flukes (one was a heavy fish) and 3 on a Bull Ribbit. Guess I was just 'snakebit' today. It's good to be home, warm, and dry again.
Mar 18 2016
Greg Almond
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The weather is really strange right now. Yesterday I didn't even think it was supposed to rain. What came through our place was pretty nasty. Forecast for next few days is north wind south win rain sunny everything in the book.