Pre-frontal at Saba

Mar 07 2016

William Fetech


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Fellow member Bryan Buchan and I fished San Saba starting noon on March 5th thru the evening of March 6th. 

March 5th 


some clouds and a steady breeze at 5-10

Water temp 62

Water clear to 2ft

Between us we caught 20+ 16-20 inches and culled 10 (several were 14-15 inches).

I caught most on a weightless white silver fleck paddle tail. Bryan caught most of his on a TX rigger blue fleck work with a 1/16 oz weight. The most productive area was on points and near the bank with grass out a couple of feet and a rocky bottom. The best location was all the way up the right arm in the last cove to the fence that cuts across the water.  I also caught a couple on a white shallow square-billed crank bait. 

March 6th


 cloudly and a steady breeze at 15-20 with some strong gusts

Water temp 59

Water clear to 2ft

Between us we caught 10+ 16-20 inches and culled 14 (some were 14-15 inches and several dinks).

The pattern and productive area from Saturday did not hold. 

I caught some  on the weightless white silver fleck paddle tail, rattle trap, and the white crank bait.  Bryan caught most of his again on a TX rigger blue fleck work with a 1/16 oz weight. 

We did have an issue with the foot control as the on/off and speed control was not working properly I did inform PWF. 

Bill Fetech 

Posted By: William Fetech