A report

Feb 25 2016

John E. Harvey


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Three of us fished Twin Lakes West on the afternoon of the 25th. North wind at @ 15, water and air temperature about the same…. around 58 degrees, water clarity to about 1 1/2 feet. And, this is our report….NOTHING! The End.

 P.S. How (you ask) can three people, fishing that long, that hard, covering that much water catch nothing? I have no clue. The End.

P.P.S. The weeds are healthy. The End.  

Posted By: John E. Harvey

Feb 26 2016

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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I fished out there last Saturday the 20th by myself and didn’t do great. I had very good conditions 62 degree water cloud cover slight breeze really thought was gonna be a slaughter but didn’t happen. I fished both lakes caught 7 total. Did miss few fish though. About 1pm on east lake did finally get them to start biting a little bit on a bubble gum fluke but was tough most of the day.

Feb 26 2016

Steve Alexander


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We electro fished both lakes three weeks ago. East lake has lower than expected numbers of bass, but the ones in there are in good shape.The lake is still in reasonable shape and still worth fishing. Don't give up on it. The West Lake is in good shape with high densities of bass. We added a few thousand copper nose bluegill to each lake. Just a slow day of fishing.

Feb 27 2016

Greg Almond


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Some days are just like that!  That warm spell makes me think it is going to start early, then cold rain comes.  Very sobering for me.  But, the trees are starting to bud, it will happen earlier than most years!  Thanks for the report.