Yesterday at Hat and Star

Feb 01 2016

Jason Grant


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Jay Reese and I were on the water about 8ish. The water temp was 51. Colder than we expected. Jay immediately caught one. An hour or so passed and Jay caught another and I threw a june bug TX rigged worm near a patch of reeds, felt a tiny tiny bump then set the hook into a 7lb 9oz bass! Biggest Ive caught in years.June Bug

We took a lunch break about 1:30 then were back on the water a little after 2:00. By now the water was up to 58. Jay immediately caught two more, I caught one more so we thought they were getting ready to really turn on but they didn't. We caught a couple more then about 4:00 they just shut off. So we caught nine total, Harvested 6 and threw three back.

Had the water temp been warmer, we think we would've caught more but still great to fish in January when it's 72 degrees outside. Baffling how the water temp was colder in shallow water back in the coves and opposite the damn.

Seth and Steve: The website says a boat isn't available there but the same boat I used last year is still there. Is that boat usable to club members or not?

Posted By: Jason Grant

Feb 01 2016

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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Hey Jason few of those harvest fish already had eggs in them. Also I will mention all bites and fish caught were shallow. We fished deep some and nothing. Fish possibly thinking about moving in for spawn? We had a spot near damn at end of day that was 58 degrees. Maybe they moved into feed. We actually both thought Jason’s fish was bigger than that but think our scales were pretty accurate

Feb 01 2016

Jackson Bean

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What beautiful coloration on that bass.  Good job you two.