
Nov 19 2015

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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That's where all but one fish came from on Saturday, November 14th from 11 to 4 on Ben Wheeler - West . Air and water temp were the same 61 degrees with overcast skies and a 7 mph wind. Five caught, one just under 22, one 18 inches amd the rest 14 inches. Largest was caught on DD crank in four feet of water near dam bank, I was throwing from the dam out (into the wind) and reeling back towards the dam. I think it hit it because of it size, seemed to be a reaction strike and earlier a square bill did not do the trick. Others caught on sq bill and swim jig. Nice day on the water.  Both lakes are full pools and probably even fuller after the rains this week.    

Posted By: Chris Casner