Still Agressive at Tarpley

Nov 15 2015

William Fetech


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Aggressive and Shallow at Tarpley 

Fished Tarpley on Nov 15 from 12:30 until 5:30. Caught 16, culled 7 of those. Most were caught with a rattle trap (sexy shad), a small shallow crank (pearl), a large shallow crank (pearl/black), and a medium crank (sexy shad. All were caught in 2-10 ft adjacent to dead standing grass.  

 Most were caught on the bank with the fish feeder. The bank across from the feeder was unproductive. I used an erratic fast retrieve to trigger most strikes. 

Water temperature was 62 and clear 2-3 ft. Sky was overcast and there was a heavy mist until around 3. 

Bill Fetech

Posted By: William Fetech