Staying shallow at Giddings

Oct 18 2015

William Fetech


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Fished Giddings on Saturday with fellow PWF member Steve Carpenter. We started fishing around 7 and Steve fished until around 2. I left around 6. 


Clear sky

Air temp: mid 50s to low 80s

Very windy most of the day

Water temp: 73

Clarity: stained

Most of the surface vegetation was gone and water level was about 3 ft below the pier. 

Top water was active and I caught a nice 3-9 on a buzz bait and lost 2-3 on a "paddle" tail frog. After top water died, we tried multiple lures with not much success. We broke for lunch at the Elm Creek Cafe which is about a mile from the property on Hwy 21 headed toward Bastop. The food was very good and I will probably never take a lunch to Giddings again!!

After lunch I tried various shallow running crank baits and found the wanted a black/chartreuse square billed in 1-3 ft of water. I caught 4, culled 1. The 3 keepers were 2, 2-11, and 2-9. I did miss about 4. 

The most productive area was in the corner to the dam on the pier side and the bank across from the pier. 

Bill Fetech

Posted By: William Fetech

Oct 18 2015

Tom Dillon


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Good report, Bill. Glad you had some action.

Oct 18 2015

William Fetech


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Sometimes you just need to keep trying and something will happen. 
