JerMar Lake 6/30/15

Jun 30 2015

Joe V. Smith


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Another member and I fished Tuesday morning.Caught 36 bass of which 12 were under 14".We did not use anything but plastics(TX rig worms,flukes,wacky worms and weightless dingers). I tried a fly rod for bass and bream but nothing wanted my offering.In the past I had done very well with a fly rod on this lake.

I did not see any snakes,which made me very happy !!!

After about 10am only a few more strikes.Everything from first light till 10am or 9:30

The fish that were under were 13 to 12 inches and very healthy

Posted By: Joe V. Smith

Jul 01 2015

Jerry King


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Joe, problem with Texas Hunter Fish Feeders, timer bad at Lake JerMar so bream not used to being fed so not coming up like before. Probably explains lack of success with your fly rod.  However picking up new Texas Hunter Feeder tomorrow and will have up and running soon.  Sending parts off to Tx. Hunter for repair of others.  Hope to have feeders eventually on upper and lower lake.  Jerry King