Jun 08 2015
Tim Judson
Fished Saturday (6/6) iwh a buddy on Six - O. First tme on that water, so we took some time to see the lake layout. We managed 20 over the course of the day, with 5 unders that were harvested. Found the best fish along submerged timer in the NE creek channel in 12 - 18 feet of water. Also, plenty of fish along the dam. We picked up several nice ones between the weed line and the dam. The caught fish on a little bit of everything, but nothing consistently. Also picked up the two largest sunfish I've every seen. Beautiful property.
Posted By: Tim Judson
Jun 08 2015
Steve Alexander
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One of the few private lakes with age,, that still have pure Coppernose Bluegill. Coppernose get big quick.