Hot afternoon at Post Oak

Jun 07 2015

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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I was able to fish for a few hours at Post Oak lake on Saturday 6/6 from 4:30-8:00 .  I was expecting more emergent weeds, but   It was actually about the same as when I fished there 2 months ago, so no real problems getting around.  I fished a weedless frog so no problems with weeds on that.

My truck thermometer read 94 when I started fishing at 4:30 pm, so it was plenty hot.  I fished a frog for all of the bites I got.  I ended up catching 25 bass and missed about half that many as well.  Fish were moving in the middle of the lake and I could almost always elicit a strike if I threw to a swirl or obvious bass sign.

Posted By: Bruce Bernard

Jun 08 2015

William Fetech


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Bruce. Thanks for the report. Steve Carpenter and I will be fishing there on Wednesday. What was the average size?  Any other lures successful?

Bill Fetech

Jun 09 2015

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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I really didn't try any other lures as they were hitting the frog with enough frequency to keep me happy.  Average size was less than 2 lbs.  One 5 1/2 pound fish.