Stellar Day at BlackJack Ranch

May 02 2015

James Mathis


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This ten acre tank is out of the way for most, but well worth the trip.  I work out of Houston, and brought two friends from there to this nice lake near Giddings.  The drive was about two hours from Katy, but an easy drive, with nice scenery.  We met the owner driving in and then he visited with us at the end of the day.  Very nice man, and was glad we had done well.

Of all the club lakes I've fished, this one has the best average sized fish population.  We fished from about 2 pm until 830 PM, caught about 35 total.  Biggest was 7 lbs 1 oz, then 15-13, then several in the 4-5 lb range, and many 2.5-4.  We have only 3-4 dinks, and 3-4 others under 14 inches.  Just alot of solid, super-healthy looking, hard-fighting fish.  The big girl took drag numerous times, and some of the smaller fish cleared the water several times.

The fish were caught primarily on weightless TX rigged worms, in black or baby bass color, with a few one a weighted rig.  One fish on a crank bait, and surprisingly not a fish on a Mann's Baby Minus 1.  One friend caught several on a white spinner, up to 3.5 lbs. The weeds were wide-spread, with the main bed out away from the bank.  This was probably because there have ben quite a bit of rain, and the water level has pushed past the weed bed, leaving an open gap between the weeds and the bank.  Nearly all the fish we caught were in this gap, and right against the bank.  We think they were feeding on frogs, which were numerous and vociferous.  One friend had quite a few blow-ups on a buzz bait, but they were hitting it short.  Oddly, we didn't get many bites on the outside edge of the weed beds, which would seem to be a natural ambush location. The lake has a very deep channel, and I pulled some deeper running crankbaits out there from the outer edge of the weeds, to water at least 10 feet deep, and not a bite.

Great trip!  Great lake!  My guests had a great time, and the location is very scenic and enjoyable.  Give this one a try if you are in the area. The owner told us that the lake had been over-run with small bass until the club began managing for size and taking the small ones out.  A clear success story for Private Water Fishing!

Posted By: James Mathis

May 02 2015

William Fetech


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James thanks for the report. I enjoy fishing this location, but since I live west of San Antonio it is about a three hour drive. I am planning a three day fishing trip May 27-29 fishing Post Oak, Hidden Springs, and Blackjack. I have not reserved Blackjack for May 29 as that would use all three of my reservations and not allow me to fish other times in May. If you are interested in joining me at BJ or any of the other properties let me know. I fish from a kayak so the boats will be available. 

Bill Fetech

May 04 2015

James Mathis


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Hello, Bill.  Thanks for the invitation, but I'm not free those dates.  One of the fellows who fished with me, Ron Dupree, has been inspired to join the club, however, and since he lives in Katy, he might be interested.  I'll forward your note.


May 04 2015

William Fetech


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Jim. Thanks
