Deer Trail 4/10/15

Apr 11 2015

Joe V. Smith


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Fished all day Friday with the morning temps at 51 degrees after storms moved through the area Thursday night.Northeast winds from 6 to 12 until late evening.The water was clear and the snot grass was beginning to come out.

Caught 45 bass of which only 5 were under the 14" mark. The largest was 4 1/5 lbs with several above 3 3/4 lbs and the majority between 3 1/2 lbs and 2 1/4 bls. Very healthy and strong fish.The ones I caught have not spawned yet.

The fish were hittting flukes and worms in close to the shore line.

Also picked up two dozen bream on a fly rod but they were  small .

Posted By: Joe V. Smith

Apr 11 2015

Steve Alexander


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We electroshocked the lake a month ago and had similar results. Lots and lots of 2 to 4 lb fish. IMO, Deer Trail is near the top of the list for best valued lakes in the club.