Mar 27 2015
Steve Alexander
Yesterday we had the opportuity to electroshock fish Deer Trail and the results were DRAMITCALLY different. Last year at this time we shocked only 7 bass in 40 minutes. Relative weights were 85%. Our recommendation was to close the lake down for a year and re-evaluate as we beleived and still believe that the cormorants and otters had eaten many of fish and our densitities were low. This year we shocked 33 bass in 29 minutes and the weights averaged 95% to 105%. Of the 33 bass we shocked 29 were over 14 inches, and 16 were over 17 inches (3 lbs). What does this mean to you? It means, the lake is back with lots of great 2.5 to 4 lb fish. We shocked 2 bigger fish, had a 7 or 8 lber in the net but could not control her to get her netted. The lake has seen less than 5 fishing trips in the last 12 months. Oh Boy, I think the lake is primed and ready to go.
Mar 27 2015
Tom Strother
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Hey Steve,
Just an observation regarding cormorants. I fished Ellington TreeFarm about two weeks ago and found the main island on Lake Hope taken over by the birds. Just about every tree on the island was holding a nest. Not sure how how that will effect the fishing, but it sure makes for a nasty setting on what used to be a picturesque spot.
Tom Strother