Twin Lakes 3/25/15

Mar 26 2015

Joe V. Smith


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Another member and myself fished all day Wednesday.Both lakes for full and clear.The grass has not popped up on the surface of either lake so far.Access to East Lake is dry and firm all the way down to the water line.There is one touchy spot getting to the West Lake.The dip where you turn off the dam has water laying in the bottom.We had an AWD vehicle and it was no problem.The spot did seem firm but I would not have driven my two wheel drive vehicle accross it,but I would let a friend drive his accross it.

We caught a total of 27 bass and 36 crappie. Fished East Lake first and caught 13 bass and one small crappie.After lunch fished West Lake and caught 14 bass and 35 crappie.The largest bass was 3.8 lbs ,About half the fish were over 14"

None of the bass we caught had spawned

Posted By: Joe V. Smith

Mar 26 2015

Tom Dillon


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Nice report, Joe. Thanks!