Valentines day at triple j

Feb 15 2015

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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Fished triple j valentines day all day. Caught between 15 and 20 up to 4 lbs. Also fished there last sunday with about same results except bigger fish average. Caught a 5lb 2oz last sunday and 3 over 4lbs. Yesterday caught more smaller fish yesterday. Fish all healthy found water as high as 62 degrees yesterday. larger fish appeared to have eggs in them also red markings on fins and mouths on some of fish maybe start spawn soon. Cold front coming may slow em down though. Red rattle trap been best bait last 2 trips all bigger fish caught on it. Few on a jig few on a spinnerbait seemed to only catch small fish on plastics. One tip to keep in mind. Find warmest water you can find place is small but several times wasnt getting bites would move sometimes just a little bit find small area one degree warmer all of sudden would turn on big time and I would catch several in just few minutes

Posted By: Jay Reese

Feb 15 2015

Tom Dillon


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Way to go, Jay! You sure did better than I did, and drove far fewer miles!

Feb 17 2015

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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Yeah triple j 10 minutes from my house. Once water warms up a little bit and weather stays warm little bit longer water was few degrees warmer Saturday than was last weekend