High Winds and Low Numbers at Timber 2-7

Feb 08 2015

John Kirby


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Member Shaun Cobb and I fished Timber Lake on Feb 7.  Water Temp at 47 degrees when we launched.  We had our worst day ever on this lake with a total of 8 fish.  Winds were blowing 20-25 most of the day.  Typical Timber Lake results though, as all of our fish ranged from 2-4 pounds.  We caught them all over the place on a little bit of everything but senkos and crankbaits mainly.

Jackson Bean will apprecaite this:  We launched with my battery on full charge and it died on us by 1pm.  We switched to our reserve battery which also had a full charge and it died around 3pm.  So it looks like we are going battery shopping.  Begs the question:  What is the average life span of a deep cycle battery?  Ours are both right at 4 years old.  Seems Ironical they are dying at the same time.  Feedback welcome. 

Posted By: John Kirby

Feb 08 2015

Steve Alexander


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Sorry the fishing was so slow. With water temps in the 40's it usually means a slow day. Next february you need to come to Lake Picashos or Lake El Salto. 14 PWF members leave tomorrow for 4 days of fishing. Boats are averaging 150 to 225 fish a day. Yes, those are REAL numbers. Fishing is insane at this new lake.

I have bought dozens of marine batteries over the years and find I get 3 to 4 years out of them. I have bought all brands including the Interstate Optima batteries. There are those that will disagree with this statement, but I have found they all have a similiar life span. So the last few I have bought have been Walmart Everstart and they last 3 to 4 years at 60% of the cost. Member Phillip Chapan has had a different expereince and has a brand that seems to last a lot longer. Hopefully he will chime in and let you know.

Feb 11 2015

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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hey all its getting closer to spring.. yes Steve, i have had the best luck in my 50+ fishing with the Delco Voyager.. its tough to find them , but worth the trouble… they last me 6-8 years and strong ALL DAY LONG,, ive even gone on 2-3 day trips and dont even charge in between.. i take a charger, but dont seem to need unless its 40 mph winds for days.. i mark the date on my batteries when i buy them and the ones in by big bass boat have been in there since 2008.. coming up on 7 years and still going.. i tried them all back many years ago but the Voyger always beat them all… my fishing buddies were so sold that they all have them, so its not just me that has great luck with them… Steve getting 3-4 years out of an Everstart is good too..i think thats probably the norm… except with the Voyager…    To get the Delco Voyager i use Plano Auto Supply… 972-422-2585,,, dont tell them phillip sent you cause they probably wont remember me.. i dont need to go there very often .. wink  these batteries are sealed also, never need water,, but they do weigh a little more than the usual battery.. i guess its from the plate thickness in them.. any one try them let us know… Remember!! a dang good charger is important too,, and charge them batteries when you get home ,, the sooner the better…. i use what they call  a Smart Charger.. yall have a great spring,, lets hope its not as windy as last spring

Feb 11 2015

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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one last thing i meant to mention… DO NOT leave your batteries hooked up all winter, or in between fishn trips to a trickle maintainer… it will sulfate any battery in a short time and you will lose years off your battery life.. give em a good charge and leave em alone.. you can always top them off before your trip,, i even charge mine once a month through the winter , but do not leave a charger on them.. sulfiding is your batteries worst enemy