Ben Wheeler Twin Lakes - East Lake, Nov 29th

Nov 30 2014

Zach Milwood


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My dad and I have been going to Twin Lakes for the past 5 years, ever since we joined the club.  Our first outing unfortunately spoiled us, because we slayed them across the board.  Topwater, T-rigged, C-rigged, Rat-L-Traps…it didn't matter what we threw that day, they were biting.  In the subsequent years, our experiences have been very muted compared to that original trip.  However, against the odds we had a fantastic time again at the East Lake.  This was Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.  Weather started with clear skies, 10mph SE winds, air temp of 39 and water temp of 53.  Not exactly ideal, but we found a few right off the bat on flukes.  Then dad caught the big one of the day, a 4 1/2 lbs girl (pictured).  A Carolina-rigged green pumpkin centipede did the trick.  Weather warmed up slightly to mid-50s, and water temp warmed to 54, and then I had a nice stretch of catching 5 bass in 6 casts on a chrome Rat-L-Trap.  Kinda crazy.  We both ended up around the same number of fish caught at 17 each, but dad's were certainly healthier, with a 3 1/2 to go with the 4 1/2.  Got to say hello to the owner James as we were leaving - nice gentleman. 

One note that may have already been made previously:  The East Lake seems a bit in disrepair (if that's the correct word) since we were there last year.  The fishing pier is submerged completely, with only 1 corner sticking out of the water. 

Had a great time though and look forward to returning in the spring.


Posted By: Zach Milwood

Dec 01 2014

Steve Alexander


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Great to hear the fish were on at Twin Lakes.

About 2 years ago the owner raised the dam 2 feet which added 4 surface acres and an additional 2 feet of depth to the lake. Consequently, the pier that was on the point is underwater when the lake is full.