Clarksville Ducks 11-17,18

Nov 20 2014



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A tale of two days

Monday- Tailend of the big cold front. Set up midlake just past fenceline on edge of grassmats. 29 decoys, 2 pulsators and a mojo floater. We hunted from layout boats. 21 degrees, north wind. Lots of ducks before shooting time. Made quick work and was able to take 2 limits of ducks in about 20 minutes with some decent shooting. Mallard, gadwall, green wing teal, widgeon. Ducks worked well. Several groups of ducks also landed in Southeast corner in front of dam (within shooting  range of shore). Ducks were done flying by time the sun peaked the trees to the east except a few flights of ringnecks.

Tues- Was very cold (15) zero wind, same set up and location. Very few ducks, those that passed by all headed Northeast of lake. One big group of mallards passed early and one group of gadwall as well. Most of moss area was frozen and was not condusive to hunting. Had a suicide green wing come in to give us one bird. Still a beautiful chilly morning on the water.

3 hunts at this lake and 19 birds. I would suggest to hunt a single day and then let it rest. Hopefully we see a steady stream of fresh ducks arrive the next week or two. 

Feel free to email me if you have any questions on hunting this lake.
