JerMar ducks 11/17/14

Nov 17 2014

Matt Clarke


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Decided to try my luck at JerMar before work today.  There were about 30-40 coots working the shoreline, and a few cormorants in the middle of the lake.  The water is up significantly from last year.  I couldn't hunt past 8, since I had to come to work.  Saw a few ducks flying around, but not many, and they didn't come in to the lake.  At about 7:30, I went ahead and killed 7 coots with 3 shots.  Yes, we eat them.  I'd rather have ducks, but they saved me from a shut-out day, and when you sprinkle them with Emeril's Essence, wrap 'em in bacon, and grill them with mushrooms, jalapenos and onions, they taste fine.

Posted By: Matt Clarke