Slow Day at Six 0 Ranch

Oct 26 2014

Steve Raulerson


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I fished Six O Ranch with new member Cliff Holloway and two guests on Saturday morning, 10/25. The early hours were very slow, with our two guests picking up one or two bass each of 15" to 18".  Not having established a pattern fishing the shores and dam, about 11am we decided to move to the trees in the middle of the lake straight out from the dock where the water is about 30'.  Bingo!  We picked up 3 fish from 15" to 18.5" in the tree limbs in a few minutes time, then had two that tied us off on tree limbs just before quitting time. 

One guest caught a nice 18" fish that had a hook in its eye socket from a previous misadventure. The hook hadn't pierced the eye but was in the socket behind it and had grown rusty. Quick field surgery removed the hook and she swam off with unimpaired vision!

All in all, a very nice (hot!) day for late October with good company and good water. The bite could have been better, but that's fishing! We did see a little bit of schooling activity in mid-lake, but they weren't taking anything we were offering. The fish suspended in the trees may have been after bass fry; the tree tops were full of them! We didn't see much other baitfish action at all.

Thanks as always to the land owners and the PWF crew for the opportunity to fish some nice property!

Posted By: Steve Raulerson