Lightning Strikes Twice

Oct 21 2014

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Guest and I fished Hat & Star on Sunday, October 19.  Sunny day with air temps starting out in 60's and gradually getting up to the upper 70's - a perfect fall day on the water.  Water temps started at 70 and rose to 74.  Caught a handfull, three culled, other two 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. Then late in the afternoon an 8' 10" monster took my 5 1/2 inch silver spoon. They look a lot bigger when they jump (twice) out of the water with their mouths wide open and gills flared. I've caught two fish 8 lbs or heavier in the two years in PWF, and both came out of this lake (reason for posting title). Not the easiest place to fish but when you do catch one the odds of it being really big are very good. Great place for really big bass.        

Posted By: Chris Casner

Oct 21 2014

Seth Knochel


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Great fish, Chris! Hat and Star is a true "big bite" lake. You may not catch big numbers, but it sure does produce big fish! Hat and Star may produce fish over 8 pounds more consistently than any other lake in the club.