Sep 15 2014
Robert Lundin
Great afternoon of fishing. Temperature, no wind and cloud cover was a blessing. The lake is twice the size from the last time I fished it. must have gotten a decent rain as the two boats and canoe under the carport had two inches of rain in them. Plus the weeds in most parts of the lake were 3 to 6 inches below. Back to the fishing. Throw anything top water that is weedless no matter what color and you got a strike. We also got some nice fish on a buzzbait in the middle of the lake. For the afternoon we probably caught 30 fish all in the 2 to 4 pound class. Only caught two dinks about 12 inches each. The lake is full of Tilapia. you can see the white 12 inches ones plus when moving the boat it would scatter small tilapia 2 to 3 inches. Then the bass would then start chasing them. So move the boat slowly about 10 to 15 feet at a time as the Bass were sitting just above the weeds. Did manage to lose one really good fish as it got down in the weeds. Even with 14 pound fireline couldnt get it free. It just head shook until it freed itself.
A couple of interesting things happen today. What I believe was a Blotched water snake in the dark form came chasing our top water frogs right up to the boat. In another month or so they will have a feast on dying tilapia. The other thing was when we were moving the boat the school of tilapia scattered and the Bass gave chase. One Bass was in pursue jumped out of the water and crashed into the side of the boat.
Now is the time folks to get out and practice your top water skills and this is the place to do it.
Sep 15 2014
Steve Alexander
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As usual a great report. Seth, the owner and I seined the nursery pond that sits just east of the big lake, last week, and put thousands of tilapia from 1 inch to 1 pound in the lake. We stocked that nursery pond with 25 adult tilapia in May. Those 25 adult tilapia made thousands of babies over the past 4 months. At the same time we added 100 adult tipaia about, 6 to 8 inches into the big lake. They have spawned numerous times and no doubt produced tens of thousands (literally) of tilapia throughout the year. It is not accident that you caught 30 fish and only two dinks. This addtional forage for the bass, combined with pellet feeding for the bluegill and reaching our harvest goals, each year for the past 3 years ago are turning Van Alystene Jer Mar lake into one of the best managed lakes in the club. I wish you had caught that big one!