Aug 25 2014
James Mathis
I hit Triple J Ferris Sunday morning, knowing that 100+ F temps would make it tough. I had to work at it but landed 8 nice fish, from 2 dinks to three fish 19. 19.5, and 20.5 inches. I tried the weed beds with frogs early, and no takers - had one nice fish on a trick worm. Top water popper and spook yielded only two short strikes. Finally moved out a little, and caught all of the fish in 4-8 feet of water. several on watermelon seed Yum worms TX rigged 1/8 oz. Two nice fish on crankbaits. All the fish fought like typical Triple j animals, most healthy, but the big one looked a little thin.
Throughout the lake there were schools of bass fry, so it must have been a great spawn this year. Also saw carp movoing around, and some large light-colored blobs that i didn't close enought to tell if they were turtles or light-colored carp or gold fish.
Aug 25 2014
Steve Alexander
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We added some garss carp in June. Hopefully the right amount that will reduce some of the grass but not eliminate it. I also hope those might have been bluegill or tilapia fry. The bass should already be 4 to 6 inches.