Aug 25 2014

James Mathis


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I hit Triple J Ferris Sunday morning, knowing that 100+ F temps would make it tough.  I had to work at it but landed 8 nice fish, from 2 dinks to three fish 19. 19.5, and 20.5 inches.  I tried the weed beds with frogs early, and no takers - had one nice fish on a trick worm.  Top water popper and spook yielded only two short strikes.  Finally moved out a little, and caught all of the fish in 4-8 feet of water. several on watermelon seed Yum worms TX rigged 1/8 oz.  Two nice fish on crankbaits.  All the fish fought like typical Triple j animals, most healthy, but the big one looked a little thin.

Throughout the lake there were schools of bass fry, so it must have been a great spawn this year.  Also saw carp movoing around, and some large light-colored blobs that i didn't close enought to tell if they were turtles or light-colored carp or gold fish. 

Posted By: James Mathis

Aug 25 2014

Steve Alexander


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We added some garss carp in June. Hopefully the right amount that will reduce some of the grass but not eliminate it. I also hope those might have been bluegill or tilapia fry. The bass should already be 4 to 6 inches.

Aug 26 2014

Robert Lundin


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I have also seen large schools of shad along the dam.  The shad were in the hundreds and probably 3 to 5 inches in length.  It may have been the same school but they would run the length of the dam disappear then reappear.  A silver rattletrap rewarded me with some nice Bass  in the 2 to 4 pound range.  As long as the shad were running the Bass were biting.  The only other lake in the club that I have seen more shad and bigger shad is Six O ranch.  I'm not sure a bass could eat the ones I saw at Six O.  When I saw the ones at Ferris it reminded me of my days on Lake Erie and the runs of emerald shiners  (minnows).  They would run the entire shore in the fall and the walleyes  and yellow perch had easy pickings.