Skunked at Smith Ranch

Aug 04 2014

Bruce Bernard

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I had a trip to Dallas recently and thought I'd hit a few lakes that I had not fished before.  I only had a short opportunity at each lake so really didn't give any of the lakes a fair shot (fishing from the bank with a limited assortment of lures and  I only had 1 1/2 hours or so to fish) I  was unable to catch a single fish!  This was a first for me on PWF lakes.  The cool front must have had the opposite of what I was hoping for as I didn't get so much as a swirl.  The weather was perfect and the ranch is really a beautiful place to spend some time and the sunset was gorgeous so I had a great time even with out any fish.

Posted By: Bruce Bernard

Aug 05 2014

Joe V. Smith


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I fished Smith Ranch July 19,the end of the 100 yr cold front and did not got a strike.I saw a lot 1/2" bream all over the water but nothing went after them.Nor did I see any activity along the surface.I thought this was a freak but with someone else getting skunked I wonder if something happened to this lake.

Aug 06 2014

Jay Reese

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Possibly cormorants? I fished there earlier this year caught only few small ones and noticed scarring on couple of them. That was back in spring though and only bank fished as well. Place was dynamite first couple times out there. Not sure either.

Aug 07 2014

Frank Merlino


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I tore them up here in June and then went back in July and only caught one.  Usually do very well here.

Aug 07 2014

Bruce Bernard

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I did notice a large number of fish carcasses scattered along the bank. (2-4lb range).  They were to decayed to tell for sure if they were bass, but they looked like they might have been.  

Aug 08 2014

Dale Pybus

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Same result here. Something has happened at Smith. And it wasn't good.