7 lb at Gilmer

Aug 02 2014

Steve Alexander


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My Nephew and I spent a few hours (noon to 4 pm) at Gilmer Hat and Star on Friday afternoon. Weather was almost chilly; imagine 72 degrees in August!  We caught 14 fish with 2 over 4 lbs including this 7 lb fish that fell to a Biffle Bug in 12 foot of water. We harvested the other 12 fish. Water temperature was 82 degrees. Most of the fish simply sucked in the bait and the line got heavy on the fall. I don't recall a single plastic fish where you felt the tap on your line. 

The shad we put in the lake 2 years ago are everywhere. We were able to catch a few on square bills when we found the bass pushing the shad to the top of the water. This is one of my favorite lakes to fish. I have the opportunity to visit dozens of private lakes each year and I am always amazed how deep this lake is. A typical east Texas lake averages 6 to 7 feet, this one is at least twice that. You know that you have a legitamate chance of catching a true trophy. Ask Michael Tidwell who caught a 11.6 and a 9.15 twenty minutes apart last October or Bryan Durrett who had his personal best a year or two ago.

Posted By: Steve Alexander

Aug 02 2014

Mark Levock


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Awesome fish and great tank.  I agree with Steve, book a trip to this place.  

Aug 04 2014

Bryan Durrett

Slot Fish

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I agree Steve. This lake is a dandy. It's my kind of lake with the standing timber and deeper water. By the way - lake record is north of 15 pounds! Bring back the cooler temps and I am ready to pounce.