Tarpley - Hill Country Ranch active

Jul 20 2014

William Fetech


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Fished Tarpley July 20th from 7AM until noon.   Nothing was hitting on top-water.   I caught 14 and culled 6 of those.  No real pattern, but all were caught on active lures.   Most were caught on medium and deep running crank baits for various colors (orange/crayfish color was fairly successful, but no one color was really dominate).

The recent rain has helped and the property looks great.  The water clarity is good and there were plenty of bait fish near the ramp.

I also found a good drop-off to the right of the feeder that goes from 2-15 ft fairly quickly.  I was able to just catch a couple there, but I probably need more practice with jigs.

Bill Fetech

Posted By: William Fetech