Jul 12 2014
Mark Levock
Fished this morning with David Irving. We were on the water by 6:30 on East lake. We put approx 20 bass and one crappie in the boat.
The far end of the lake is pretty weedy but 2/3 of lake are completely fishable. We caught them on just about everything - lizards, cranks, swim and crappie jigs. Water was 85 degrees and great water quality.
We switched to West Lake at 10 AM and continued to catch bass and crappie. We spent most of the time on the dam side of the lake. Far end has quite a bit of weeds but 60+% of lake is fishable. I did catch the large fish of the day (pic) on a crappie jig, using a ultralight and 2 pound test line. Awesome fight.
David caught quite a few nice size bass as well and had a large bass come off near the boat - could only see a big white belly.
Overall we caught 35 fish. 29 bass and 6 crappie - kept the crappie. We fished all the way till noon - David caught one as we were getting ready to get out of the boat for the day. Great fishing action for a hot July morning.

Aug 15 2014
Thomas E. (Tom) Dillon
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That’s a darned nice fish, and keeping her out of the grass on 2 lb line? You should be very proud of yourself!