Questions about fly fishing

Jun 13 2014

John Shadduck


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I am a new member and mostly fly fish. I’m going to the Six O for the first time and would appreciate any and all tips on fly fishing there.  Good bluegill hits are always fun and, of course, I’d be more than happy to land a few nice bass.  What flies would you recommend?  What parts of the lake are best for bluegill?  It’s likely to be windy so would you use a sink tip line and fish deep or might a wooly bugger or Clouser minnow fished at 5 to 10 feet be better?

Thanks for your thoughts.


Posted By: John Shadduck

Jun 14 2014

Herb Phelan


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I can’t help you with recommendations, but I’ve got a buddy who fly fishes a lot trying to talk me into taking it up so please post your results at 6-0. Goood luck!


Jun 14 2014

William Fetech


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John. Use the feature on fishing reports and select Six - O. There are some reports about fly fishing.

Good luck

Bill Fetech

Jun 14 2014

Bradley Grulke


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John: I fly fish most of the lakes that I fish in the club. It has been years since I fished Six O but I had a great time on my 3 weight with the big sunfish on small clousers, wooly buggers, and small poppers. They could not get enough of a floating grasshopper (trout fly).

As far as bass on the fly, I fish big flies (1/0 and 2/0) on 8 and 9 weights. I rarely need to go to a sink tip line. I fish deer hair poppers, Dahlberg Divers, and Fire Tiger sliders. If they will eat on the surface I’ll fish on top all day.

Sub-surface you are on the right track with Clousers and Wooly Buggers. Again, I have much better luck and catch larger fish with big streamers/sub-surface flies. I fish big salt water streamers and bait fish imitations that are intended for snook, tarpon, pike, and barracuda. These get down to 3-5 feet, if you have to get deeper than that then sink tip or small split shot 2-3 feet above the fly will do it.

Hope you have a great trip and welcome to the club.

Jun 15 2014

Joe V. Smith


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I use #8 woolly buggers and do extremely well on bream and bass,now and then I put on a popping bug but the action is much better on the woollies.My best results at six o have been on the boat dock side of the lake around grass.Never have done much in the trees nor at the dam.The other side has been to far away for me to paddle.

Jun 15 2014

Robert Lundin


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I have had good results on a royal coachman size 12.  Woollies in olive work on the bass near the dam at the south end.  Closures and streamers work well too.  The dock area always had a big school of copper nose but they were not there my last time out.  The coppernose should have taken over the bass spawning beds for their own spawns.  So look for some light area on the bottom.  Have fun, I use a 5/6 weight rod and sinking tip.  You might want to try a popper towards evening hour along the east side between dock and dam.

Jun 15 2014

John Shadduck


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I’m heading out on Wed. and will try your suggestions.  Many thanks!!  I’ll report back on my success - or lack thereof.  I’ll have some pretty tough wind to fight, if the weather forecast is to be believed, which may make things frustrating.  More on Thursday.

Again thanks for the good advice.


Jun 18 2014

Thomas Blailock


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I fly fish exclusively…. 5 or 6 wt. for bream and a 7 wt. for bass. I always take an intermediate sinking line as a backup just in case. This allows me to even fish shallower lakes effectively if nothing is attracted to the floating line. For a really good fly (all the previous comments offered greats suggestions) try the hell craw from the following website Gulf Ozark flies in Galveston…. he makes some great flies for Texas bass.

Tight lines!!

Jun 19 2014

John Shadduck


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Many thanks to all!  Yesterday was the big day and the score was Six O - 4, fly fisher - 1.  The 1 was one nice copper nose.  The 4 consisted of three lost flies and one lost fly rod tip.  What a bummer - from a brand new rod and all my fault!  Wind was a huge problem for me with steady south wind at 15 mph+ and gusts to 20 mph and above.  Blew my little inflatable pontoon boat all over the water and the flies along with it.  There was surface action along the shore between the dock and the dam, so I finally just fished from shore.  I could cast over the weed beds well enough but lost several fish after I hooked them on the lake side of the weeds but then - naturally - they headed into the weeds where they came off. I used several flies but the best results were on elk hair hoppers.  I’ll go back and plan my trip better next time.  Seems to me I should have gone later in the afternoon and stayed into the evening when it might have been calmer.  Maybe I can figure out a way to keep the boat steadier nearer shore and just fish the zone between the weed beds and the deep water.  As for the loss of the rod tip, not doing stupid stuff will fix that, and, no, I’m not asking for advice on how to stop doing stupid stuff.  I know what not to do, I just keep doing it!