Good Day @ Timber Lake June 8

Jun 12 2014

Rick Svoboda

Slot Fish

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Member Mike Svoboda and I fished Timber Lake from 1-6 PM on Sunday afternoon.  Weather conditions were good.  Overcast most of the afternoon with a light breeze.  85 degree water temp.  We caught 26 with 6 harvested.  The two biggest were 4 lbs. / 19 1/2”.  Most fish were caught on DD 22 deep diving crank baits in the timber around the main part of the lake and on a flat by the dam.  The boat launch area is greatly improved from last year and there is a nice rocked in turn around area for vehicles.  We very much appreciated the improvements the land owner has made.

Posted By: Rick Svoboda

Jun 13 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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That’s exactly where we ended up at Neill Ranch.  We started at 79 degrees that morning and ended up at 84.5 degree water.