Bass on the Prowl in LaGrange

Mar 02 2014

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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I went out with my best fishing partner, my daughter.  We fished from 10:30- 5:00 with an hour break for lunch.

Fish were steady on soft plastics smoke shad and electric green.  We boated two 5’s three 4’s and a whole wad of 2’s and 3’s. As usual on this lake we caught no dinks.

Almost all of the fish were on the deeper side of the lake which is in contrast to the last time I was there a month or so ago.

Water color was great.  Fish were aggressive and wanted a steady retrieve, not too slow.  Fish would not touch jigs or worms or anything that wasn’t moving steady.

We got to speak to the owner briefly.  Very nice as usual.

Posted By: Bruce Bernard