Twin Lakes Crappie 2/23/14

Feb 24 2014

Joe V. Smith


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Fished the East Lake all day and caught 16 bass,28 crappie and 6 bream.All the fish were in excellent shape and the crappie large.

The bass were on flukes and a woolly bugger.All the crappie and bream were on woollies.After lunch I found the crappie and did not target bass any more,even though four bass grabbed the woolly.

I kept 18 of the crappie and when I was leaving Mr Bert wanted to see what size they were.He has some red ear blue gill in a rearing pond and will be putting some in the main lakes this year.He is always interested in the size of the bream and crappie.

Posted By: Joe V. Smith

Feb 24 2014

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for taking the time to harvest the crappie at this lake. We need to take out hundreds.

I wanted to make sure our members are aware that we never harvest bluegill/red ear at any club lakes. These fish are the forage base that grow our beloved bass. Joe did not remove any bluegill. Moreover, we are not harvesting bass at either lake this year.


Feb 26 2014

David Burrow


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  I fished the West lake that same afternoon, you were on the other side of the lake when I drove by. I caught 8 lmb with only one of those that looked like a female. No particular pattern other than all plastics. I’m going to give Twin Lakes more trips because of the great trips in the past.
David Burrow

Feb 27 2014

Steve Alexander


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Both lakes have lots of crappie.