Jermar Duck Hunting

Nov 16 2013

Scott Weller


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Hunted Jermar the morning of 11-16 with a ground blind on the east side.  Did not see many birds and only killed 2 ring necks.  The hunting on 11-14 and 11-15 might have contributed to the low success, which I was not aware of until completing my report. I would suggest letting it rest for a while. 

Posted By: Scott Weller

Nov 19 2013

Brian Hughes


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Scott, sorry for the lack of communication.  We typically don’t hunt a property 3 days in a row. Since the first two dates where during the week, we allowed the weekend to remain available since most of our members can only hunt/fish on the weekends. 

Feel free to contact the club office any time you have questions about dates already blacked out on our calendars.