Water Level at Timber Lake

Sep 28 2013

Jack Devaney


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Fishing by myself an 9/26 and was unable to launch a boat because of the low water level. I was, however, able to fish the entire shoreline by the dam without any problems.  Caught two small ones (harvested) on zara spooks.  Had the best luck with Storm Shad swim baits.  Cast them as far as you can, let them drop to the bottom and bring it back very slowly.  Caught 5 fish in the 2-4 pound range.  We could get 1-2 inches of rain this weekend.

Posted By: Jack Devaney

Sep 29 2013

Tim Judson


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Jack:  Were you launching your own boat from a trailer or using one of the property boats?

Sep 29 2013

Jon Frank

Slot Fish

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I hope this weekend’s rain brought water levels up at the lakes

Sep 29 2013

Steve Alexander


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The lake did not come up. The ranch received about 5 inches a week ago and an inch this weekend. Most of that has gone into the ground. We need another 5 inch rain in the next week or two to really have an effect.  You can still launch two man plastic boats from the boat launch and you can use the club boats, but plan on getting a bit muddy and wet. Its not an easy launch, but doable. I did it, 10 days ago.

Sep 30 2013

Jack Devaney


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I attempted to launch one of the property boats. Just decided it wasn’t worth the trouble given the option of fishing the deep water off the dam.

Sep 30 2013

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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The water level yesterday was the lowest I’ve ever seen.  The tire up near the boat launch is completely out of the water so the launch is STEEP.  The ground was very soft and even in four wheel drive I was spinning my tires which forced us to get creative if we wanted to launch.  Luckily, two of the boats were left inverted and placed on the slope right next to the trailer / dock about the same distance apart as the wheels on my truck.  After we moved the boats, we had two paths of dry ground that extended down next to the usual boat launch.  That was enough to let me get my trailer backed in with at least two of my wheels on dry ground.  This of course got me thinking…..  What if we placed a huge tarp in the area and staked it down where we normally launch?  From what I saw yesterday this would allow rain to runoff without soaking the ground so we have a less muddy surface after a good rain until our water level increases.  I’m just thinking out loud here but I, like Jack, don’t want to get out there and not be able to fish the lake.  The fishing was once again beyond description with the heaviest five approaching 20 pounds.  We culled fourteen.

Tight lines gents,


Sep 30 2013

Robert Lundin


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Water seek it own level.  So covering with tarp would have benefit immediately but then the migration would take over.  My thoughts.  How about some exterior sheets of plywood.  I used this approach once at northeast and it saved me from getting muddy.  The best answer is Mother Nature and a ton of rain but temperatures in the Pacific Ocean are not favorable for producing some gully washers for us in Texas.

Oct 01 2013

Steve Alexander


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We know the launch is tough with low water levels and not the best when water levels are full. However, we are in discussions about improving the launch for next year. $3700 was spent on additional rock for the roads this year and more than $5000 worth of forage and fertilizer to keep the lakes prime. We can only do so much each year (cash flow), but we know we have an issue. Hang on just a bit longer. We hop to have the problem rectified by next Spring. Of course a bit or rain would sure help the issue here and at a lot of our lakes!!

Oct 09 2013

Rodney Schroeder


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Steve check Presto Geoweb.  I have never used myself and do not know cost but have seen it used in foretry applications for low water creek crossings and is a very stable surface and holds rock in place. Stands up to high trafic of heavy loads including loaded log trucks. Presto has other materials as well when I checked their website that might work just as well for launch and could be cheaper overall.