Some fish, some snakes and some ducks at JerMar Lake

Sep 20 2013

Michael Bramer


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On the water at 0730, water temp 82 degrees, at least 3’ lower water level than my last visit this past Spring.  Visibility was about 14-18 inches. 

Immediately hooked a nice 5lb. fish.  A few casts later a 2 pounder then crickets for a couple hours.  Started marking fish and shad in about 5-6’ of water and would drag a rattle trap though the the area.  Caught about a dozen 1.5-2 lb. fish over the next couple hours doing this.  The fish were very active on the surface chasing shad, but topwater baits brought no bites.  Picked up a couple running frogs over the weeds and a few dropping senkos at the edge of the weed mats.

Had a very large water moccasin try to get in the boat while I was parked along the shore using a punch rig.  Scared the bejeesus out of me as I didn’t see him coming.  He didn’t seem to like the paddle though, especially when it hit him multiple times.  Saw several more but we did our best to stay away from each other.

Some geese in the area and the standard 15-18 local teal.  They seemed to prefer the far north end of the big lake and the east side. 

I read the comments on the spillway, but it worked fine for my rig.  Use caution though as there is about 6 inches of slime between dry concrete and the waterline.  Makes it a bit tricky to get in and out of the boat.  Ask me how I know…...

Posted By: Michael Bramer

Sep 21 2013

Thomas Petermann


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Thanks for the report on the Teal.  We hunted last week and didnt see any on the lake. We did see a couple of your water moccasins, though.  One very large one on the east side.

Sep 24 2013

Joe V. Smith


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I wish the teal hunters would shoot some snakes.

Sep 27 2013

Steve Alexander


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Not that it makes much difference to most fisherman. But the snakes are water snakes and not mocccasins. I shot 4 of them on Tuesday. They have a round eye, not that you can tell that unless they are dead. I am with you, the only good snake is a dead snake.

Oct 02 2013

Michael Bramer


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Sorry to get the boys rattled about the snake report.  I’m definitely not a snake guy, but I have and will continue to bring my kids to JerMar.  It is a great property.
I see snakes at nearly every property, but with a little caution and care, it isn’t a big deal. 

Oct 21 2013

Jon Frank

Slot Fish

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Steve, are we allowed to shoot snakes at this property?

Oct 21 2013

Steve Alexander


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You are not allowed to shoot anything at any of our properties unless you are a duck hunter and you may shoot ducks at any of the 8 lakes that we lease for duck hunting. A fishing membership does not allow for members to bring guns. Allowing members to begin shooting opens the door for all kinds of discretionary issues that we do not want to open.