Fishing off a little but comfotrable at Timber lake

Aug 19 2013

Bryan Durrett

Slot Fish

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Fished 1/2 day with a guest - caught about 12 - 15 in the 2.5 to 3.5 pound range. Fish were scattered. We had rains most of the trip from Dallas, but it cleared off before we got to the property.  I believe the cold front turned them off some from what we typically experience here, but we had very comfortable fishing conditions and the action was enough to keep your attention on each cast.
The lake is down and moss is a little thicker at the launch area. Glad I brough my rubber boots. Don’t plan to launch larger boats here right now - plan to hand launch. The owners have mowed quite a bit. The property loooked nice.

Steve, how many acreas ar this property? It appears very large comapred to many club locations.

Posted By: Bryan Durrett

Aug 20 2013

Steve Alexander


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Not sure of the exact ranch size, but 1500 to 3000 acres would be my guess.

Aug 20 2013

Jay Reese

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Hey Bryan I fished deer trail Saturday kinda experienced same thing. Caught only 8 caught them kinda of everywhere on six different baits. Usually deer trail pretty consistent but seemed off also water kinda murky fish didn’t seem to be feeding much looked little thin usually fat and healthy looking.