Dog Days of Summer at Pecan Springs Ranch

Aug 12 2013

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Adult son and I fished Saturday AM from 7 to 11:30, started to heat up around 10:30. As previous posts have mentioned the lake is down at least 10 feet, half or less of its water volume. Son fly fished and didn’t catch anything, not sure he had a good bite. I fished with a finesse rig as we weren’t expecting to catch large fish.  I landed two including one dink. The larger fish fought hard and was good fun on the small rig. Lost one that spit the hook after jumping out of the water.

Getting the Bass Buster boat into and out of the water was a significant effort. One of the problems besides the low water is that the boat appears to have water trapped in it which makes it much heavier than it should be. Getting it down to the edge of the water and back up was difficult. Also, a new tarp is needed as it is pretty well torn apart and does not do a good job of covering the boat from the elements.   

Posted By: Chris Casner