Advice for Gilmer Hat and Star?

Jul 30 2013

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Hi gang,

I’m fishing Gilmer this Saturday and I’ve heard multiple times that the owner is full of great advice.  There is supposedly one area that has produced the majority of the big fish out of that lake and I was hoping to get some clues as to where the spot is located.  I plan on getting there early so I doubt I will see the landowner so I’m hitting you guys up for some advice.

Have you had success out there and if so can you share any tips?  My email is and my mobile is 903-456-5554.  Thanks!


Posted By: Jackson Bean

Jul 30 2013

Gary Guinn


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I fished there almost exactly a year ago and we caught fish in water 2’-20’deep… we caught 2 good fish to the left of boat launch in 8’ on zoom sp crawl. Check out my 7/28/12 report. Hope it helps.

Aug 02 2013

Steve Alexander


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Majority of the fish are caught in the dam end of the lake. Probably not much help, but I would spend my time fishing DD22’s or XD’s in the upper 1/3 of the lake.

Aug 03 2013

Reggie Thomas


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  Please let me know how it goes today.  Next Satuday, I am coming out with a buddy of mine and we are bringing 3 young men.  One of whom is hooked on bass fishing and the other 2 we are trying to get hooked.  My email address is  Thanks.

Aug 05 2013

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Email has been sent Reggie.

Just to follow up…..  We didn’t do that well out in Gilmer.  I had one four pounder, one that went over three and the rest were small.  We culled nine small ones.  Crank baits in the creek channel close to the dam landed both of those.  I was fishing for a big fish….  I was using big baits and missed too many small ones to count.  I caught a few on a drop shot once I downsized to smaller tackle but I didn’t stick with it long.  The small ones were really small….. Like 6-8” sometimes.  Brian said that their bellies were full of shad when he cleaned them so I would suggest using shad type baits when you go.  No crawfish were found. As the description says…...  Sometimes you fish Hat and Star to enjoy the weather because the big ones don’t bite.  We will be back but in the Fall or Spring.

Aug 05 2013

Steve Alexander


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We added 14,000 shad in May. Thanks for harvesting. We are trying to remove 1100 small fish this year. We have removed 319 fish to date for this year.

Please know that when somebody asks, where to catch a big fish this lake is in the top 5 properties. 2 of 3 big bass contestant winners caught their fish from this lake. I truly believe if we can get more fish harvested and the addition of the shad and fertilizer, this lake will just get better and better.