Jul 30 2013
Jackson Bean
Slot Fish
Hi gang,
I’m fishing Gilmer this Saturday and I’ve heard multiple times that the owner is full of great advice. There is supposedly one area that has produced the majority of the big fish out of that lake and I was hoping to get some clues as to where the spot is located. I plan on getting there early so I doubt I will see the landowner so I’m hitting you guys up for some advice.
Have you had success out there and if so can you share any tips? My email is jacksonbean@gmail.com and my mobile is 903-456-5554. Thanks!
Jul 30 2013
Gary Guinn
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I fished there almost exactly a year ago and we caught fish in water 2’-20’deep… we caught 2 good fish to the left of boat launch in 8’ on zoom sp crawl. Check out my 7/28/12 report. Hope it helps.