Timber Lake 6/5 morning

Jun 05 2013

Larry Maupin


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Fished dawn to noon and had a slow time overall. Caught 4 total, one was a pound, others 2-3 pounds. Lake is still low - 6-10 feet, but launching and landing was no problem. Mild weather 70s to 80s, light wind and a little rain. Caught two on Pop Rs early then two more on the bottom with soft plastics. Harvested one - released the others. A nice outing overall but didn’t catch them like we had hoped. We’ll have to try again.

Posted By: Larry Maupin

Jun 05 2013

Bryan Durrett

Slot Fish

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This is an excellent club lake if you catch it right. We have fished this location probably 4 times now with good results every trip and healthy fish. I suggest you give it another try. Every day is different. Some days it’s fishing not catching unfortunately.

Tight lines to ya….

Jun 06 2013

Jerry Gaither


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what type of boat did you launch?

site says launching would be difficult?

Jun 07 2013

Larry Maupin


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I used the longest jonboat there of the three available. We had no trouble although there was no place in the launch are where we could cruise in and nose the boat up onto land. With the lake as low as it is, we hit the shore kinda hard and stopped. Had to hold the boat against the shore then carefully step onto shore then pull the boat up and over the hard “lip” of a shoreline. Again - not a big deal. Probably no need to get wet.

I also should have mentioned that the moss and grasses are getting so thick in the lake that navigating is problematic in some areas, particularly in the launch area. Weedless baits are the only way to go. The bass love the moss so don’t shy away from it. Just be aware that there is a lot of it and growing more every day.

And if there has been rain or heavy dew in the morning, be very careful on the launch site - the grass is very slippery.

Jun 07 2013

Larry Maupin


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I meant to add that I caught a nice one “at the buzzer” at 12 noon, our quitting time! We were 30 feet from the landing site heading in at noon when I hooked one down in the moss just off the dam.
So moral of the story - it’s not over until it’s over. I went from being skunked and sad to very happy!